With the overall theme of "Strengthening Climate Action and Disaster Resilience"
through Innovation, Collaboration and Communication, with a special focus on
'Mountain Ecosystems & Communities,' the 6th WCDM draws attention to India’s
current Presidency of the G20 and the convening of the first-ever DRR working
group (G20 WG-DRR). As summarized by the United Nations special representative,
Mami Mizutori, inclusiveness is important and it is critical to build lasting resilience,
but this can not be done without financial support. Resilience is the ability to cope
with shock and adapt to stress and ultimately transform through the crisis. The G20
WG-DRR has the mandate to include considerations for the SFDRR mid-term review,
renew multilateral cooperation at all levels, and inform future global policies and
initiatives related to DRR and resilience. Against these, the DRR Track of the G20
India Presidency with its three DRR Working Group Meetings has identified five
- Global coverage of early warning systems
- Increased commitment towards making infrastructure systems disaster resilient
- Stronger national financial frameworks for DRR
- Increased application of ecosystems-based approaches to DRR
- Strengthening national and global disaster response systems
These five priorities have been adapted and re-aligned into the following four plenaries of the 6th WCDM:
Making infrastructure disaster resilient including global coverage of early warning systems
through Technological Advancements in Disaster Management and Climate Action
Application of ecosystems-based approaches to DRR focusing on Sustainable Tourism Development in the Mountains
Stronger financial frameworks for DRR through setting the scene and confirming business cases that can accelerate the speed and increase the scale of advancing disaster risk reduction
Strengthened national and global disaster response systems through a Sustainable Model of Public Health Emergency and Disaster Management
(PHEDM) Capacity Development Program - A Five-Tiered Approach from community
to professional responders including sensitization of policy group